
Electricity is always flowing and the energy sector is always active – 24/7, 365 days a year. New grid projects, exciting facts about electricity, digitalisation, innovations, the environment – we regularly publish informative articles on a wide range of topics. Always up-to-date, always with our finger on the pulse. Welcome to our blog!

  • This is what a Tribot looks like in detail

    Technology is here to create change

    When it comes to Jamie Paik’s robots, size doesn’t matter. The miniature devices make the most of their abilities by working together. The researcher wants her work to inspire others, but she has also had to answer some critical questions.
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  • Gaining distance

    How laser scanning data helps to ensure that trees under power lines are felled in time.
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  • The baptism of the mini-tunneller

    An extra-high-voltage line delivered ready for use

    For the first time in the company’s history, Swissgrid has awarded a general contractor mandate for the construction of an extra-high-voltage line: the Vertiaz consortium has been commissioned to design and build the entire underground cable link between La Bâtiaz substation and Le Verney in Martigny, Valais.
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  • Greater knowledge thanks to data science

    Data science enables vast quantities of data to be processed, patterns and connections to be identified, and thus reliable forecasts to be made
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  • From close by names become recognisable. These are the substations of Swissgrid.

    Art meets Engineering – making data tangible

    Electricity is the lifeblood of our modern society; it drives us silently and invisibly. It always takes the path of least resistance; to make it tangible and depict it seems impossible. Not so for Nadieh Bremer.
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  • New foundations exactly along the line

    When an ultra-high-voltage line has to adapt to the local terrain

    Most ultra-high-voltage lines in Switzerland are situated in zones with natural hazards that are often difficult to avoid.
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  • The operator controls from the window

    La Bâtiaz – Le Verney: divers to the rescue

    What do professional divers have to do with the construction of an extra-high-voltage link? To find out, you first need to know that the mini-tunneller, Giorgia, is currently drilling out the gallery to house the extra-high-voltage link between the substation at La Bâtiaz and Le Verney in Martigny.
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  • Pioneering Gotthard project as multifunctional infrastructure

    Given the large number of tunnels in Switzerland and the frequently expressed need for more extra-high voltage lines to be cabled, bundling these and other infrastructures together would seem to make sense and is envisaged in relation to individual projects. However, the synergies created by the Gotthard line cabling cannot be transferred to just any grid project.
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  • Studio Generale: Exploiting synergies together

    In the interview, Roberto Pronini, Director of Azienda Elletrica Ticinese, tells us about his experience of the Studio Generale on high- and extra-high-voltage grids from the company’s point of view.
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  • Power lines and regional planning go hand in hand in Ticino

    Thanks to the Studio Generale, Ticino has been playing a pioneering role in fostering dialogue and the search for synergies since 2013. Studio Generale is a cantonal working group that brings together Swissgrid, SBB and AET to work on a common goal: the search for synergies and optimisation of power line routes tailored to suit the landscape. The parties’ goal is to ensure the continuing security of the electricity supply in harmony with regional planning.
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  • It’s all about the resistance

    The transition towards sustainable energy sources requires the extra-high-voltage grid to be upgraded and expanded to comply with the amount of electricity that will need to be transmitted in the future.
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  • «The systems and processes worked correctly»

    On 8 January 2021, a grid frequency deviation occurred in Europe. ENTSO-E published an intermediate report on the incident on 26 February. In an interview, Markus Imhof, Head of Balancing & Scheduling, explains the role that Swissgrid played in this event.
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